Monday, August 31, 2009

Little does he know....

...what the plus signs actually mean! 

Yes! Yay! Hooray! 

James is going to be a BIG BROTHER in March 2010! We can't wait to meet the last member of our family and see who is going to finish off our little foursome!

When I was pregnant with James, we took weekly pictures in the same spot as the second one here, to observe the bump grow, so we are doing the same this time, although James gets to be in the pics too! This was from last night, week 12!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

A trip to the Island!

James and I just returned from a week on Vancouver Island, where we attended my cousins wedding and then went to my family cabin for 6 days! Geoff was also with us, but his trip was cut short as he had to come home and work:(

James adjusted to the cabin well and loved to be outside, whether it was popping bubbles with Lexi (parents dog), driving the boat (a fav!), playing ping pong, walks around the campground nextdoor, throwing rocks off the dock, baths in the sink, morning cuddles with Grandma and and I can't forget we went tubing! Woohoo! We had a great time and had too many pics to post, but here are the highlights!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I love myself today

I showed James his blog after dinner and the latest video of him dropping his cup. He thought it was the funniest thing and must have watched and laughed all 20 times he wanted to watch it....Geoff captured the sweetest giggles when the cup drops....

More Mad Skills

James taught himself some more sweet skills this morning. Look-out family picnics at the park...there might be a new water-bottle-between-the-knee-walk champion next year!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Really using his head

We don't have too many new pictures to download lately so I thought I'd just put up a litle video from the other's about a minute in the life and as you can see we've really been teaching him important life skills.

Bang head on tweety bird (new skills, oh yah!) the garden...kick the shaker...wave to Dad...climb under Mom's legs...give Mom a with my book...clap a little...repeat...phewph!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A man after my own heart!

James got to try his first very own burrito from Taco Del Mar, one of my favs! He was slightly suspect at first, but then ate the whole thing, which was only slightly smaller than mine!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Dim the lights and it looks like Gold!

Geoff just competed in the World Police and Fire Games, hosted by Vancouver, this past week! James came out to the field for two whole days of fast rugby 7's action!

Here he is checking out the dogs, which he later kissed!

Cheering for Daddy, but slightly delayed - about 30 seconds after everyone else stopped cheering - very cute though!

My Daddy scored a try!

I'm going to play this when I'm older!

How hard can it be?

And we won Bronze!! Two teams from South Africa won Gold and Silver, quite handily! But they ended on a great win against the Italians to score a medal! Way to go Geoffers!
Get this thing offa me!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Shakin' what his Mama gave him!

James has started to stomp his feet when he dances, which is quite cute, so we just had to get it on film!