James and I just returned from 5 days in Palm Springs! We had a great time, aside from a few hiccups here and there, but I think that's to be expected when traveling with a baby! Here are a few of the highlight pics and some of James' firsts!
Plane ride! Not to bad both ways considering we were alone...he's a busy boy so was very curious and a bit frustrated to be stuck in a small seat the whole time. Thank goodness for the extra seat beside us both ways!

Outdoor Swimming Pools! James loved his borrowed turtle from his friend Noah! Thanks Noah! Even though there was only a 1 foot deep kiddie pool that he was allowed in, we made the most of the time we had out of direct sunlight (after 3:45 pm) and James loved splashing and having water poured all around him. I especially loved having some time in the hot tub while he played with his Grandparents!

And lastly...teeth! Well a tooth that is! Albeit a difficult night of lots of crying and nursing, I felt James' first tooth on Wednesday morning! Even though he appeared in pain sometimes, he still managed to have some fun during the day, as evidenced by his gorgeous smile with his Papa G!

It was a long flight home and all the poop James had saved up for 3 days did decide to come out as soon as we boarded the plane. The first of changing a baby in an airplane bathroom stall is one I'd like to forget! We had a great trip, but I was never so happy as to see Geoff when we came through the airport gates! There's no place like the comforts of home!