But first....a ridiculously cute picture of James from this morning, actually wearing his fire hat (shirt wasn't planned!) We've been trying to get this hat on him for months!

James and I went to Victoria for three nights and well the first exciting thing about being there was that he actually slept through the night there! A first, or three I should say!
We had fantastic weather and spent a lot of time outside. Here is James on the beach out front of my parents house looking for crabs!

James met a new friend, Baker (on left) and saw his friend (Will) for a fun play date! Baker and Will are cousins and I know their Mom's from high school! Such fun!

We were able to eat outside each night and had awesome meals! James tried halibut, guacamole with chips, nectarines and had a bottle of whole milk on this trip!

James, Grandma and his best friend Lexi sitting watching the birds and boats go by!

We love going to Victoria to see Grandma, Papa G & Lexi! We will see you guys in two weeks at the burfday party!