Last month, Geoff and I reserved a camping spot at
Golden Ears Provincial Campground for July 7, knowing he was on holidays and that as we reserved - we couldn't back out! Since we have been pretty much in a drought lately, we figured it would be a great family trip with James! Did anyone see the forecast?
We packed up (probably spent at least 5 cumulative hours between us) for one night and made our way...arriving in good spirits around noon!

I took James over the playground to allow Dad to set up our one tarp. One.

This was after our short trip to the playground where James did his first face plant onto the ground and soaked his shoes and socks. Outfit # 1 of 5 gone, within 20 mins!

After setting up and a very brief nap for James in the tent, we set off to the beach...

Here are my two favorite guys throwing rocks in the lake!

James insisted on walking part of the way, he looks so small here!

We are having fun right?

After the beach we checked out the tent which already had a flat air mattress for sleeping and water on the bedding... was about 2 seconds after I took this that James did his third face plant of the day into a large puddle (ruining and soaking through outfits #2 & #3 that were layered)....we realized how smart we were...

...because of how wet and miserable we were... be packing up and going home to our warm house, dry clothes and comfy beds! Home by 6pm, James asleep by 7:30!
Oh rainy got the best of us!
At least we were laughing when we pulled out and thought how funny we must have looked to the people across the road from us who watched us set up for 2 hours and take down for 1 hour, in a 5 hour camping trip!
Maybe next year?